Thursday 2 June 2011

The Aliens Cometh!

Review: Crysis 2 (360)

Crysis 2, Where to begin? There are so many great things about this game. Ehhhh I think I'll just talk about the graphics. If you thought Crysis one had amazing graphics then you need to slap yourself across the face a dozen times then play Crisis 2. It has by far the best graphics in any 360 game that I have ever seen (now call of duty wont do me justice). Graphics are not all that make up this game though, It does have some very interesting gameplay features and a wicked story line to go with it. Although I admit, sometimes in certain aspects the game seems very weak.

The guy you play as is called Alcatraz, and the game starts off you and your buddies on a submarine going to New York were aliens have invaded and started fuckin' shit up. Your sub gets blown up and the guy with the awesome body Armour called the nano suit (his names prophet as you get told LOTS), your all like diein' n' shit and he saves you. And for some weird reason he gives you his nano suit, which can let you turn invisible, have super strength and Boost the strength of the nano suit. You can implement them anywhere on the field to pull of some pretty cool strategies. (it does not make you invincible D:)

The enemies is this game are kind of stupid sometimes and other time really annoying like being in places you don't want them to be, I was sitting on top of a builing waiting for this guy to turn away from me so I could shoot him... There was another guy behind me... I died....
BUT to counteract this you can go into this visor mode thing and mark out enemies and ammo crates onto your HUD (very useful). SO before EVERY combat engagement you can look at where the baddies are :D

There are alien dudes called the ceph (pronounced cef duh) They're pretty much a little jelly thing in a suit of Armour.. And for some reason they're attacking New York and killing all the people. I wont really explain much about it. I don't really want to spoil anything for people. :3

Raaa I'm an alien :3 yea....

ANYWAY There's allot of cool shiz in this game so it's definitely worth buying/renting which ever. I rented it over night and I think I finished it at around 3am, around 9 hours standard FPS time.
Oh and one more topic: Multiplayer.

I never got into a match even though I tried, I just gave up after a while. But there was about 10 thousand people playing I think so I have no idea why I didn't get into a game. Oh well.

Meta score 8/10

Lots of different play styles.
Good range of different tasks.
ISN'T boring!
Amazing Graphics.

Multiplayer is dying down a bit.
Not worth playing in standard definition, You need 1080p.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Review: Dark Reign: The Future of War

Never heard of this game? I'm not surprised if you haven't. It's an old one. Originally made for Windows 95, the game was developed by Auran, published by Activision and released in 1997. It had different ideas about "Fog of War" to other games. The "Fog of War" could be obstructed by trees, rocks, hills and and most solid objects (excluding units and structures) making it easier to stage ambushes and keep your armies out of sight from the opposing player (AI).

The units line of sight being obstructed by the terrain. 

The gameplay is very similar to Command and Conquer, you gather water to sell for credits and you also build power generators to harvest taleon (a random plant... I think). The resources are simple like C&C so that you can concentrate more on base management, scouting, unit micro etc.

You can set the game speed, which boosts the speed of everything in the game (e.g. unit movement, unit production time, building completion time and resource gathering). For new or inexperienced players this makes the AI very deadly (I'm not very good at the game so I know). The AI can be at your base destroying your buildings before you even build your first defenses.

There is a campaign with no real point to completing it apart from personal satisfaction. The campaign has 13 missions in total. There are two factions or "races" in the game, the Imperium and the Freedom Guard. The Imperium is basically the big evil government and the Freedom Guard are the rebel "scum" but they just want to be free so they're not really scum... Anyway, back to the story. All the missions can be played on either side (Imperium or Freedom Guard).

The story of the game is pretty straightforward, no plot twists or anything like that. In the game's universe there was a society of humans called the Tograns who followed a scientist and philosopher named Togra. Their planet Strata 7 was where the final battle takes place. Togra launches a probe into space right before the Imperium destroys the planet with a super weapon called the desiccator (which turns the surface into molten rock). The probe Togra launched floats through for 217 years until found by you, and Togra wants you to prove yourself by doing the missions so you can get to the end.. Don't worry, no spoilers. Pretty straightforward but it gets really hard near the end.

If you want to download this game for free, you can download it here

Meta Score 7/10

Allot of different strategies.
Both of the factions are fairly balanced.
It's an old game but still has an active community.
Lots of multiplayer maps.
Easy to get the hang of the basics.
It has a nice dated old school look.

Although there is a multiplayer the community it's very small.
The graphics are dated.

What this blog is about.

Hello to anyone who will read this, My name is Rorie, my xbox Live gamertag is TheUnHolyWinter and I am going to be reviewing games on the pc and xbox 360. I am from New Zealand and I just want to voice my opinion on gaming news, actual games and other gaming related events.

There are a few games that I will definitely be reviewing in the future. The first review will be of Call Of Duty: Black Ops, I know that there have been many reviews on this game some being very harsh and some telling stories that make it sound like God shat it out.

I will be reviewing around 50 - 60 games in the coming months, both me and one of my close friends will be providing all the games. I wont necessarily be reviewing the newest games. I'll be reviewing good oldies that I remember from my childhood.

Heres a list of games that I might be possibly reviewing; Dark Reign The Future of War (pc), Too Human (360), GTA IV (360) and possibly Bulletstorm.
